First, we get access to the wallet.dat file in the amount of: 500.09 BTC

Cloning the repositories: Biggest Lost Bitcoin Wallets List

Total Commander

Download and Install Bitcoin Core 0.18.0

Open path: c:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\

Move the file: wallet.dat


Run Bitcoin Core Wallet

Encryt Wallet…

Open Console

Bitcoin Address Information:

Metasploit Framework and use MSFVenom

The Role of Metasploit Framework in the Development of msfvenom

msfvenom is a tool that was created by combining two previous tools: msfpayload and msfencode. It allows users to create payloads for different platforms and encoders, and also provides the ability to customize the payload parameters. msfvenom supports a variety of output formats, including executables, scripts, and even code for web applications.

Metasploit Framework plays a key role in the development of msfvenom for several reasons:

1. Exploit Integration: msfvenom allows users to create payloads that can be used with exploits from Metasploit. This simplifies the penetration testing process as users can quickly generate payloads that match specific vulnerabilities.

2. Versatility: With support for multiple formats and platforms, msfvenom has become a versatile payload creation tool. This allows security professionals to tailor their attacks to different systems and environments.

3. Updates and Support: The Metasploit Framework is constantly updated, which keeps msfvenom up-to-date and effective. New features and improvements in Metasploit directly impact msfvenom’s capabilities, making it more powerful and flexible.

4. Education and Research: Metasploit and msfvenom are important tools for cybersecurity education and research. They allow students and security professionals to study vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques in a secure environment.

Run ExploitDalenePRO.exe


Upload Wallet.dat


Run the command and get Private Key

The dumpprivkey command in Bitcoin Core

The dumpprivkey command is a command used in the Bitcoin Core wallet command line interface (CLI) to export the private key associated with a specific Bitcoin address. The syntax for the command is as follows:

dumpprivkey “address”

Where “address” is the Bitcoin address for which you want to receive the private key.

How dumpprivkey command works

When you type the dumpprivkey command, Bitcoin Core looks for the specified address in its wallet and, if found, returns the corresponding private key in WIF format. This allows the user to store the private key in a safe place or import it into another wallet.

Private Key Information:

Bitcoin Address Information:


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